In volumetric batching of concrete, the ingredients of concrete are measured by their volume before they are mixed for making the durable concrete. The concrete ingredients are measured in measurement boxes of standard size. The measurement boxes are also known as “Farmas” or “Gauge Boxes”.Workers use troughs for the measurement of concrete ingredients on site. But, it is not a proper way to measure the quantity of concrete ingredients for making designed concrete. To ensure the uniformity of proportions and aggregate grading in succeeding batches, the proper and accurate measurement of all the material used in concrete making is necessary.
For volumetric batching, it is convenient to make steel or wooden boxes (farmas) of various sizes/ volumes. In an ideal case, the volume of the farma is made equal to the volume of one bag of cement i.e. 35 liters or multiple thereof. The farmas are made comparatively deeper with the narrow surface rather than shallow with the wider surface to facilitate easy leveling of the top level. The internal dimensions of the boxes shall be generally 35x25x40 cm deep or as otherwise approved by the Engineer-in-charge. Measurement boxes are prepared based on the volume of a cement bag. Hence if you need concrete of proportion 1:2:4, you need 1 Bag of cement, 2 Measurement boxes of sand, 4 measurement boxes of coarse aggregate & 25-liter water (if water-cement ratio is 0.5).
It is advisable to have boxes of various sizes readily available at the site so that any adjustment which is required to be made by way of change in concrete mix design or due to bulkage of sand can be done easily. It is also advisable that during the measurements of aggregates, the measurement boxes which are filled with aggregates should not be shaken, rammed or heaped.
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